WE ARE TICKLED PINK TO ANNOUNCE THAT PRETTY PARLOR HAS BEEN VOTED “BEST WOMEN’S BOUTIQUE” IN THE BEST OF SEATTLE WEEKLY 2015 READER POLL! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for all of your votes and support over the past 13+ years. It feels tremendous to be recognized for something we are so passionate about. Our hard work and dedication pays off! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! xoxo ANNA BANANA
Best Women’s Boutique – Pretty Parlor
Parasols and petticoats hang from what looks like the inside of Audrey Hepburn’s closet. Vincent, the friendly in-store cat, lounges between racks of clothing from Grandma and Grandpa’s attics, estate sales, and local designers. Owner Anna Banana, whose pink hair matches the walls, handpicks the attire for her store—creating a reliant source for vintage clothing unlike the hit-and-miss of thrift stores (with no musty used-clothing smell either). Plus Goodwills don’t have a cuddly gray cat to pet between trips to the dressing room. 119 Summit Ave. E, 405-2883, prettyparlor.com
Runner-Up: Totokaelo